1891 census records

Edward Watkins (Farmer)

  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 67 years
  • Position: Head
  • Status: Married
  • Occupation: Farmer
  • Address: 1 Garndyrus Farm
  • Birthplace: Llanbister, Radnorshire, Wales

Other people at 1 Garndyrus Farm

Name Age Occupation
Watkins, David 34 years Coal Miner
Watkins, Edward 67 years Farmer
Watkins, Elizabeth 65 years Unknown
Watkins, Elizabeth 27 years Farmer's Daughter
Watkins, Evan 24 years Coal Miner
Watkins, John 36 years Coal Miner
Watkins, Mary A 30 years Farmer's Daughter
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