Christ Church monumental inscriptions

Inscriptions with surname 'Powell'

Name Died Born Age Grave
Powell, Elizabeth 23/2/1884 1803 81 A167
Powell, Florence Irene 08/12/1995 1914 81 C84
Powell, Francis William 22/9/1895 1893 2 A69
Powell, George 28/11/1920 1850 70 A72
Powell, Gertrude 20/02/1978 1891 87 C31
Powell, Jane 15/6/1891 1837 54 A103
Powell, Josephine Nora 03/08/1955 1900 55 B56
Powell, Lavinia Unknown Unknown 0 A103
Powell, Philip 24/8/1867 1809 58 A167
Powell, Sarah 9/10/1896 1854 42 A72
Powell, Thomas 1926 1867 59 A81
Powell, Vernon 30/10/2001 1907 94 C84
Powell, Vernon Clive 22/08/2001 1940 61 C84
Powell, Violet May 12/06/1962 1913 49 C30
Powell, William A.J. 04/06/2001 04/11/1943 57 C79
Powell, William Raymond 28/10/1971 1930 41 C67
Powell, William Rowland 03/09/1962 1887 75 C31
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