St. Peter's Church, Llanwenarth Citra monumental inscriptions

Grave A61

In loving memory of Ann, the beloved wife of William Price of Tynewydd in this Parish died May 29th 1901 aged 64 years. Also of William Price died May 29th 1913 in his 86th year. Also of Margaret, daughter of Peter & Ann Price, born September 16th 1824 died January 11th 1852
  • Location: Plot A - Left of Tower
  • Description: Headstone

The following people are associated with this grave:

Name Died Born Age Grave
Price, Ann 29/05/1901 1837 64 A61
Price, Margaret 11/1/1852 16/9/1824 27 A61
Price, William 29/05/1913 1827 86 A61
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