Llanwenarth Baptist Chapel monumental inscriptions

Grave A125

In loving memory of Elizabeth, beloved wife of John Rawlings, died June 12th 1937 aged 72 years, also the said John Rawlings, died January 14th 1947 aged 90 years, also their daughter Elizabeth Jane, born March 5th 1900, died 24th December 1980.
  • Location: Newer part of the graveyard behind the chapel by the car park
  • Description: Headstone with Kerb

The following people are associated with this grave:

Name Died Born Age Grave
Rawlings, Elizabeth 12/06/1937 1865 72 A125
Rawlings, Elizabeth Jane 24/12/1980 05/03/1900 80 A125
Rawlings, John 14/01/1947 1857 90 A125
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